Hi Ron,
Saw your letter to let us know that you are a liberal. Being part of Hollywood this kind of makes sense. What I'm writing about is to offer some comments in response to your views. We can agree to disagree.
Let's start with your view of Republicans as fascists: And here I thought it was the Left who were building a centralized autocratic society governed by world elitists using fear, oppression, suppression, censorship, inculcation of youth to build an army army of brown shirts and black boots to cull and keep supreme power over all with Soros hiding in the wings pulling all the strings – the supreme fascist extraordinaire.
They've been at it for three of the last four terms and America wholeheartedly said enough. No more. With all the flaws of democratic capitalism, it is still the best course because we have the freedom to keep working on it. Making it better.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Remember when Obama and Biden both said they did not have to follow any laws. That they could make it up as they go. Well they did just that. Obama visited west African muslim countries who still practice slavery, sex trafficking, suppression of women and terrorism. He bowed down to them. Basically saying keep up the good work boys and then come back and lays racial guilt on the current generation for something that happened 150 years ago. And when I hear news and social media pundits beating us up for that, I counter that they should go after those countries we bought slaves from first, like the countries mentioned above. Do the job Obama should have done. Bring them to task. Heck we have already fought a civil war.
The irony is that a lot African Americans are still enslaved by the welfare programs, housing, and food stamps. We give them just enough rope to keep them bound and to provide votes but never enough rope whereby they can climb out the well, get off the floor, dust themselves off, and get on with life armed with creativity, initiative, fortitude, virtue and the understanding of the true purpose of life. Well the chains of slavery were broken in this last election. Minorities, the youth, all of America spoke up.
It did not take long for the left to start snarling, snapping, creating more disharmony, discord and divisiveness. Already they are shouting violence in the streets. Why is it that the left always resort to violence when they don't get what they want?
I remember a New York muslim leader saying, after Trump won the 2016 election and the Left went on a hate campaign unmatched before or since, that Trump has exposed the liberal democrats for who they really are - mean heated, hateful fascists.
I think that Soros and other well funded liberals should purchase some property somewhere other than America, move all those who are like minded and experiment on themselves with their philosophy. We will all watch intently. It will be better than the 'Survivors'.
As for taking care of the sick and the forlorn, not only in our country but in the world, no one has done it better than America in her short life. We are a country of great hearts. Private organizations that help do great things. Government programs are lifeless organs benefiting only the ones in charge is not the way to go. I remember my mother volunteering at drug rehabs with so much enthusiasm to help. But over time she became disillusioned when seeing the same people over and over again never improving.
Feeling, compassion, sympathy ungoverned by wisdom guided discrimination has created more suffering, misery and death than any war. Immigration is a great example of that. But even worse is that the 'good' people who opened the gates did not do this for high moral reasons. It was a vote grab plain and simple. And not only resentment on the part of the legal immigrants who came here and had to struggle, but what terrible misery, suffering and death it has caused. And now that we're trying to fix this terrible thing, the left and their acolytes are deflecting blame to this administration for doing so. Hypocrites and vipers - whew!
And Ron, I didn't know that LBGQ, a glorified lesbian men's hating club, had to be concerned about their rights. Heck they are ubiquitous everywhere even in our school system. They are kind of like the Hell's Angels without motorcycles, always running in packs. Lost souls trying to find validity and purpose in their lives. What about the rights of our youth who know in their hearts that this is wrong but are intimidated by the 'educators' inculcating our students with it?
And in your heart Ron, do you really believe its right to preach gender choice to grade school children? Mutilation, hormone control drugs!! We were not brought down to this mud ball of earth to live our lives like this. Life is hard enough without adding to it. Boys want to know that they are boys and girls want to know that they are girls. We have created so much confusion and uncertainty in their lives which is completely opposite of true education which is to teach them the true purpose of life - courage, nobility of character, cooperation, self-restraint, self governance, virtue, right thinking, right behavior so they can march with confidence to building a beautiful life and thus bring light and good to the world and not be scared little worms wailing and hiding.
This is something that shouldn't be considered until you are in your twenties when you have had enough life experiences and garnered, hopefully, enough wisdom to distinguish between what's really right and wrong through your own soul intuition. That's the problem with education today. We blanket reason and thinking things through. We teach to follow feeling, mood, whim, desire thus thus ensnaring the youth in slavery. Think of the boys on Fun Island waking up and they had changed into donkeys forced into hauling ore. The moral is that when someone promises equality in equity, medical help for all, redistribution of wealth, etc. they have only one thing in mind - lust for power. And all those who fall for it, will end up like the donkeys hauling their bags of misery and suffering around bemoaning their fate.
Remember, if a man imagines himself to be a woman, he is still a man irregardless of any mechanical, medical changes done to the body. When you sleep at night you do not know if you are a man or woman. But you know how you slept, what you dreamt or if you did not dream at all. Which tells you that we are existence, that we are a soul that has a body which will be dropped off after some 50, 60, 70, 80 or so years. So its pointless to put so much attention on it. A body is a treacherous friend at best. Take care of it and forget it. Place your attention on your timeless soul, the source of all good, accomplishment, security, joy and happiness.
Ok, now you mentioned guns in kind of a despairing way. I remember in my youth that I loved cowboy movies. Heck I still love them. When I see a cowboy get off his horse and he wraps the reins around the post there is a rush of glee and contentment. Can't explain it. But anyway, to get back to the story. Once I was invited by my friend to go up to his family's cabin in Lake Arrowhead. One evening, we were on the back porch. He brought out a BB gun and gave it to me and wanted me to shoot a bird sitting on a branch. As I focused on the bird, I felt something saying not to do this. So I purposely missed the bird and he flew away. My friend was very angry with me
So I have a natural uneasiness for weapons and, I hope, it means I have a regard for life. When I moved into my neighborhood, two of my neighbors had rifles and guns. I felt somewhat uncomfortable. But over time I realized that they were very conscientious and responsible. They kept everything locked up and this eased my mind. Another time I went to a sporting goods store that sold weapons. I went to the manager and talked to him about it. I told him that this is Encinitas and that he should close down the department. It was a good talk. Later I came back and the guns were gone. Now I don't know if it was due to his realizing that there was no money to be made or if it was his conscience.
Now we move up in time to a few years back. The government was on the move to dismantle the NRA. I was silently in agreement to an extent - not totally sure. So I kept watching and reading. Then I came across a story about an elderly lady from WWII Austria concerning this subject. She categorically said do not ever give up your guns. She went on to explain that when she was just a young girl and before the war started, the Nazis came into their towns and convinced them to register the weapons. Then at the start of the war, they came in, got the weapons and executed the owners. They had taken away any possibility of resistance. At that moment, and thinking about how our government operated, I changed my thinking. I would not want to be subjugated as no-one else would want to be and they were, in my view, very capable of doing so.
This is why our founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the books because they knew that there will be times when the government cannot be trusted and, therefore, to able to protect themselves.
Now Ron, let's talk about religion. Religion is Latin for removing all pain and suffering. You are right to be upset a little with Christians preaching scripture to you but you, and a lot of others, don't seem to mind, and who even inwardly sanction, Hama muslims, who hijack religion, creating human bombs out of troubled youth to blow up buses, schools and hospitals in Israel and not a word of censure. And Israel tolerated this awful behavior for years trying at the same time to establish peace which was rejected time after time. And still no censure by the nations. Now, when this bad neighbor went too far and went after Hamas, who cowardly bunkers up in hospitals, everyone is in abject rage. Do you see how hypocrisy validates such evil?
Destroy the hypocrisy, you destroy the evil. By each person looking into the mirror of conscience, discovering their flaws and changing what you see will accomplish peace as never before.
A culture who teaches hate for Israel out of the womb. Such a waste of life and living. Get rid of Hamas and the hate and Palestine and Jewish youth would become brothers - surfing, talking, happily coexisting together.
The perennial slide into error by the DNC started when they formally removed God from their platform. Not having to answer to God or their own conscience, nothing is to reprehensible or to terrible even when they are exposed and caught So a little scripture in a crazed out immoral environment like Hollywood might be a good thing.
Ron, its the fanatical atheists and fanatical dogmatists that gives religion its craziness. To realize the promises of the scriptures requires one to surrender the ego, repent, ask for forgiveness, offer forgiveness and begin reparation for anything that needs to be addressed from your past actions. And even this won't work if not done with the greatest sincerity or it is done with even a taint of ego or thought of self for God watches the heart. If you can do this seemingly very hard thing, He will come openly to you and answer all your questions for He is your greatest well wisher.
You must seek Him, for encompasses eternal freedom, endless joy, and immortality. And how shall you do this - by scientific yoga mediation. It's the esoteric path of all true religions that takes one beyond mere belief to that state where you know that you know. And Ron, you are a smart man and I know you would like to prove this to yourself through scientific experimentation with your soul. It is spiritual cowardice and un-adventurism that keeps man from trying.
This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honor and good common sense.
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off (as if nothing ever happened.”), never looking back for fear of being exposed. The very few who do stay, courageously approach truth, look in that mirror and change what they see.” –WC
If everyone did this, you could call it learning how to behave, then there would be no liberal, no conservative, no this, no that for we would all be united in our united love for God which is the only goal of life. Imagine, then all borders everywhere would be open all knowing true security in the blessed behavior of all.
If everyone did this, you could call it learning how to behave, then there would be no liberal, no conservative, no this, no that for we would all be united in our united love for God which is the only goal of life. Everything else is just part of the show and he just wants us to play our parts well while being engrossed in Him who created us.
It's Spiritual poverty and not material lack that is the source of all human misery and suffering.
The past lives of all men are dark many shames
Human behavior is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the divine
Everything in future will improve by making the spiritual effort now
Take care Ron and bless you.
Cole Ragland